Thanks to our 40+ GCSEN Sponsors and Campus Partners we are really putting the “Global” in “Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship Network!”
Our latest cohort of successful program graduates in the Virgin Islands now join GCSEN’s 1,200 Meaning Makers for 4P Social Impact.
GCSEN’s global footprint now includes accredited programs with campus hubs in:
- Ireland with ATU- Atlantic Technological University- Galway/Donegal,
- The Caribbe with the University of the Virgin Islands- CELL
- The USA with LeMoyne College Madden School of Business and SUNY New Paltz Business School

GCSEN Social Venture Research Institute Faculty Fellows are now at:
- Brookdale Community College (Monmouth County, NJ),
- Fordham University School of Business,
- Marist College School of Business (Poughkeepsie, NY),
- North Carolina State University, Green Chemistry PhD Program (Raleigh, NC),
- Seton Hall University (South Orange, NJ), USMA (West Point, NY)
- Wheaton College (Norton, MA)

As well as at premier High Schools -
- Boston College High School (Boston, MA) and
- MET High School (Providence, RI).

Here are some Spring Semester highlights from our work around the world:
- Our GCSEN Caribe Adult Learner students at UVI-CELL (EDA Campus) are now in their second program cycle- graduating from SE 101 Principles of Social Entrepreneurship to SE 102 Social Venture Formation!
- Starting in 2019, GCSEN has had a large number of outstanding graduates from its MBA in Leadership Capstone Course on Jesuit Values Core and 4P Social Entrepreneurship at LeMoyne College- Madden Business School in Syracuse, New York. Starting with a single pilot, GCSEN now offers up to eight courses per academic year- Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.
- Starting in 2021 with GCSEN’s Mike Caslin’s Fulbright Fellowship in Ireland hosted by Atlantic Technological University (ATU Galway/Donegal), our courses and content have recently been aligned to and integrated for Undergraduate Level 7 Coursework with anticipation of GCSEN Ireland’s first Learner Cohort starting Fall Semester 2023!

“Our shared vision and dream for the creation of a global movement of 4P Social Entrepreneurs and Educators is coming to life, with many thanks to God, our visionary philanthropists, our innovative campus partners and our world-class Social Venture Research Institute Fellows, 4P Meaning Maker Graduates and Staff. We are moving the world to a better place and each day applying our talents, values, passion and purpose to creating enduring 4P Social Impact for Peope, Profit, Planet and Place! We have 1,200 graduates from 14 countries and 14 US States. From Manhattan to Mumbai, from Boston to Beijing, from Sophia, Bulgaria to South Central, LA, from St. Thomas/St. Croix,USVI to Syracuse,NY, Kingston, NY to Donegal/Galway, Ireland, from Kigali, Rwanda to São Paulo, Brazil and London, England to South Central Los Angeles, CA, we are together moving OUR world to a better place!”